Monday, June 11, 2012

Vitel Wireless Reviews, unbiased review

  This is a original review of Vitel Wireless. You can google "Vitel Wireless Reviews" and you'll get lots of hits but they are mostly the same review copied and pasted over and over. So i wanted to do a original Vitel wireless review from the stand point of someone who was in the business. This is a completely unbiased review and not a sales pitch.

 Yes, you read that right, was in the business. I joined Vitel in june of 2012 and just cancelled my membership yesterday 10/2/12. So I was involved with the business for 4 months. In my time with the company I signed up 6 representatives under me. As of yesterday when I cancelled my membership, I had one left. 5 out of the 6 quit. Out of the 5 not one of them made it to their second month. Only two signed under the Platinum plan, the others signed under lesser plans. If you've done any research on the company you know the comp plan. Sign up 3 reps and your cell phone bill is paid by the company, 6 and your business is comp'd and so on. Now here is the catch, to qualify for the perks the reps you sign up under you have to be on the $99 "Platinum Executive plan". If they sign up with a lesser plan, it doesn't count and they have to stay in the business longer than a month. So to get your cell bill paid you would have to have 3 reps under you on the Platinum plan and they would have to have renewed for their second month. Which is hard as the majority of people who join these MLM's quit after a month. So I never got the free bill pay or the business(monthly fee) comp'd.

 Now I will say that Vitel is a real business. It's not a scam, they do sell real products. They have lots of phones and all the major carriers. They also have home security, direct tv, etc you can sell. Though in my opinion the goal of the whole thing is just to sign up more reps under you. My sponser (who I won't name but if you google Vitel he'll come up on the first page within the first few results) never gave any kind of push to sell the products, just to sign up more reps. All the emails I got from my upline were always about webinars for signing up prospects. They have a phone script you're supposed to follow to the letter when you call your prospects. It's designed to get prospects to the capture pages quickly as possible while avoiding any questions they may have. Yes there are real products to sell but to me it never seemed that was the goal of my upline. Just to get more people into the company. One of the things that really pushed me to quit was my sponser became involved in another MLM and I started to get more emails from him pushing to join this other company than ones related to Vitel.

  Now I did all the things one needs to do to get traffic to my site. Posted ad's, made a blog etc etc. Actually this blog is the #1 result on the first page of google for the string "Vitel Wireless Reviews" for a while, so I learned a few things about SEO. I got some traffic and signed up some reps, but I didn't get rich. I didn't get my cell phone bill paid etc. Nor was I able to sell any phones or plans. The problem though with these types of business opp's is that It's the few guys on the top that are making all the money. They stay with an MLM until it's stops becoming lucrative and then jump onto another. Google Vitel Wireless and the names you get on the first page are the people making all the cash. I don't know the exact figure but it iirc around 90-95% of the people who join these MLM'S quit within a month, I made it four.. lol.

  So to sum it up Vitel is a real business opportunity, It's not a scam. It is an MLM and it's not as easy to make money with it as all the top players blogs and youtube videos tell you it is, nor is it likely to change you life. If you're thinking about trying it or were in the company, please post a comment here. I would like to here some other people's experiences with the company. Hope you found this Vitel Wireless review has helpful.


vitel wireless reviews review home business opportunity opportunities scam 

1 comment:

  1. Vitel has announced last week that they have gone global. Now anyone in the world who has internet access and a paypal account can start their own Wireless business with Vitel.
